Sunday, October 11, 2020

Connecting in a pandemic age

Hello, You!

My soul is being dragged kicking and screaming from the sweet dream of Life As I Knew It into a new, yet eternal, reality. The common phrase “social distancing“ really means physical distancing. There’s no reason that physical distance must now or ever correlate to social distance. I have made social contact with persons whose bodies have been long dead, yet whose souls exist in the eternal now, in which “time and distance are out of place” (Barry, et al., “Feeling Gravitys Pull”, Fables of the Reconstruction, IRS Records, 1985). Therefore, I am not afraid of masks, of air-fives, or even of purely electronic interaction. What I would prefer, though, is conscious contact with you via the Innernet, as I like to call it: the network of subtle energy that connects everything that is, might have been, and could be. I believe it exists, and that we surf it every time we dream or even daydream. Contacting you via this Innernet is as easy as calling you to mind and contemplating what makes you unique to me.

What is unique to you about me? My name, Jesse Demian Sierke, may be. So is my unusual sense that letters of the alphabet have genders (and not just two). My DNA, fingerprints, and dental pattern make me forensically unique, but what makes me intrinsically me and no one else? Perhaps you know enough of this that, should my consciousness reach through the Innernet to touch yours, you won’t recoil in fear of a stranger, but will rejoice in the presence of a friend.

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